martedì 25 ottobre 2016

List of Armenian Orphans in Kharpert - Lista Orfani Armeni in Kharpert

Orfani armeni a Kharpert (1919)

La seguente lista (in Excel e in PDF) è stata ripresa fedelmente dal database redatto da George Aghjayan. La lista apparve per la prima volta in due numeri del periodico americano della diaspora armena Gotchnag (La Campana), precisamente in quelli del 7 e del 14 giugno 1919. Molti periodici dell’epoca pubblicarono liste simili con la speranza di aiutare il ricongiungimento famigliare degli orfani, o di permettere loro di trovare una famiglia che li accogliesse. Viene pubblicata su questo blog con la speranza di raggiungere più persone possibili nel mondo.
Lista degli orfani di Kharpert (Excel): lista-completa-orfani-kharpert
Lista degli orfani di Kharpert (PDF): lista-completa-orfani-kharpert

The Gotchnag (Church Bell) began publication in 1910 as a weekly. This list of Armenian orphans residing in the American Orphanage in Kharpert appeared in the June 7, 1919 and June 14, 1919 issues of the periodical. The list was published in hopes that the orphans could be reunited with their relatives. Gotchnag, as well as other Armenian periodicals of the time, would publish other such lists and advertisements of those desperately trying to find family throughout the horror of the genocide. The list has been reproduced with minimal editing for typographical errors. A consistent transliteration from the Armenian was employed, yet the names should be viewed cautiously as actual English spelling employed by a particular family may be different. The current Turkish name of villages have been included in brackets to assist with identification.

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